srijeda, 28. rujna 2022.

Induction Heater - Bearings and Coupling assembly

1***********Using an Induction Heater - Fitting Bearings 
See here, in video, heating temperature calculation:

2***********Using an Induction Heater - Coupling Assembly

PDF - Assembly and operating instructions - FLENDER COUPLINGS - N-EUPEX
for assembly, tolerances, heating temperature see page 21 !!!

Using an Induction Heater - Flender N-EUPEX – Assembly of the coupling

Using an Induction Heater - Flender N-ARPEX – Assembly of the coupling and changing the plate pack

Wheel Lubrication - using PU foam

Wheel Lubrication - using PU foam

Gruetzner - Mountings for chain lubrication pinions & lubrication gears,
Spring steel sheets

Spring steel sheets allow the chain lubrication pinions to be installed quickly and easily. A light preload ensures the continuous supply of lubricant. A further advantage of this type of installation is that the whole assembly can flexibly yield to fluctuations and vibrations. The spring steel sheet is available in both short and long versions and can be combined with an angled axle.

Mode of operation
The lubricant passes through the axle and appropriate holes in the foam material. With just a low pressing pressure, the stored lubricant is released again. The PU foam used (open-cell) stores the lubricant and releases it again in very small dosing quantities. In this way, over lubrication is effectively prevented, as it is possible wear caused by a lack of lubrication.

Gruetzner - Catalogue for download

Gear Lubrication - PU foam lubricating gear

Gear Lubrication - PU foam lubricating gear
Lubricating gear

Gruetzner - Catalogue for download

Gruetzner - Lubrication gears

Gruetzner - Directindustry lubrication gears

Mode of operation
The lubricant passes through the axle and appropriate holes in the foam material. With just a low pressing pressure, the stored lubricant is released again. The PU foam used (open-cell) stores the lubricant and releases it again in very small dosing quantities. In this way, over lubrication is effectively prevented, as it is possible wear caused by a lack of lubrication.

MÄDLER ( MAEDLER ) - standard parts and power transmission elements

Producer and supplier of power transmission elements and standard parts

Croatia office-branch: 
Strojna Maribor d.o.o.    Linhartova ulica 11    SLO-2000 Maribor
Tel.: +386 (0) 23 00 41 11    Fax: +386 (0) 23 32 62 70

MÄDLER®, founded 1882, is one of the leading producer and supplier of power transmission elements and standard partMÄDLER®, founded 1882, is one of the leading producer and supplier of power transmission elements and standard parts. In the MÄDLER® group, there are in Germany two plants and three sales branches. The group is doing business world wide. 
Power transmission elements, handles, DIN-parts, dampers, pneumatics, linear motion, roller bearings, gear boxes, geared motors, telescopic slides, adhesives and sealants. MÄDLER® is well known for its very extensive product range with best availability. 
A lot of sophisticated products are produced in the both own plants in Germany. Other products are made due to german quality standards. MÄDLER®´s quality management is certificated according to DIN 9001:2015.    
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1---REYHER catalogue

-Catalogue for download

2---REYHER Fastener guide
-Standardized Products DIN ISO EN  for download

For many years REYHER has provided reliable c-part supplies and customer oriented services.
REYHER was founded in 1887 originally as a trader of ironware, ships items and tools located directly in the Port of Hamburg. For around 70 years the family-run company has specialised in fasteners and fixing technology.
Today, REYHER with an annual turnover of around 400 million euros counts as one of the leading trading companies in Europe and supplies over 11,000 customers worldwide from the central location in the Hamburg district of Altona. With a comprehensive product range of over 130,000 articles in stock, our 850 staff ensure a daily delivery rate of over 99 percent.

utorak, 27. rujna 2022.



The BRUTE FORCE METHOD to "Flatten a drawing that has Z coordinates"

Lisp code is copied from post #7 :

How to use:
-open new document in notepad,
-copy/paste following code
-save file, for example as: Flatten4.lsp
-load lisp in to AutoCAD
-type command: Flatten4

(defun C:Flatten4 (/ ssFlat)
(setq ssFlat (ssget))
(if ssFlat
(setvar "Highlight" 0)
(command "._move" "_si" ssFlat "*0,0,1e99" ""
"._move" "_si" ssFlat "*0,0,-1e99" "")
(setvar "Highlight" 1)))

četvrtak, 15. rujna 2022.

Tehnicke tablice - Miroslav Stosic

Tehničke tablice -Miroslav Stošić
132454462 miroslav stosic tehnicke tablice

11 Deo A - OP[TI DEO
12 - Formati papira
12 - Decimalni umno{ci jedinica SI
13 - Merne jedinice me|unarodnog sistema mera (SI)
17 - Pretvaranje colovnih mera u milimetarske
17 - Rimski brojevi
17 - Upore|ivanje temperatura po Celzijusu, Kelvinu, Reomiru i
18 - Prera~unavanje in~a (colova) u milimetre
18 - Gr~ka azbuka
19 - Tablica specifi~nih masa nekih materijala
20 - Me|usobni odnosi starih i novih jedinica za snagu
20 - Vrednosti srednjih brzina za najva`nije slu~ajeve u praksi
21 - Te`i{ta - te`i{ta linija i slika
22 - Kinematika
23 - Matematika - planimetrija
25 - Matematika - stereometrija
27 - Matematika - stereometrija, mnogouglovi
28 - Matematika - trigonometrija
30 - Matematika - ra~unanje sa stepenima i korenima
31 - Elektrotehnika - jednosmerna struja
32 - Elektrotehnika - naizmeni~na struja
33 - Osnovi statike te~nosti i gasova - hidrodinamika
36 - Primena naleganja
39 - Tolerancijske tablice
60 - Tolerancije za klinove
61 - Tolerancije oblika i polo`aja - tolerancije oblika
62 - Tolerancije polo`aja
67 - Oznaka povr{inske hrapavosti
69 - Dopunska uputstva za ozna~avanje tolerancija oblika i
72 - Kvadratne cevi - hladno oblikovane
74 - Pravougaone cevi - hladno oblikovane
76 - Okrugle cevi
78 - Ravnokraki ugaonici
82 - "U" - profili
83 - "I" - profili
84 - ^eli~ne trake
85 - Okrugli (puni) profili
86 - Ostali puni profili
88 - Puni profili od Cu, Al i Ms (mesinga)
89 - Ukrajanje limova prema konturi "U" profila
90 - Mase limova, mase ~eli~nih kugli
92 - Metri~ki navoji
94 - Trapezni navoji
96 - Vitvortov cevni navoj
97 - Vitvortov fini navoj
98 - Ravne podlo`ne plo~ice
99 - Esti~ne podlo`ne plo~ice
100 - Nagibi (konusi)
101 - Sredi{nja gnezda
102 - O navojima i vijcima
- preporu~eni pre~nici burgije za rupe pre narezivanja navoja,
- rupe za vijke sa ukopanom glavom,
- kvalitetni vijci i navrtke
103 - Pre~nici rupa za vijke
104 - Lan~anici
105 - Odre|ivanje osnovnog pre~nika lan~anika
106 - Konstruisanje zubaca lan~anika
107 - Prstenasti usko~nici - spolja{nji
110 - Prstenasti usko~nici - unutra{nji
113 - Klinaste remenice
114 - Snaga kod klinastih remena
115 - Klinovi - ravni klinovi i klinovi sa nagibom
116 - O`lebljena vratila
117 - @ljebni spojevi sa pravim bokovima
118 - Radijalni kugli~ni le`ajevi - red 60, 62, 63
122 - Filcani prstenovi i `ljebovi
123 - Osigura~i za navrtke sa urezima na obodu MB
124 - Vijci
125 - Pregled vijaka po standardima
126 - Navrtke sa urezima na obodu KM
128 - Primeri obele`avanja {avova
134 - ^elici - obele`avanje ~elika
136 - Konstruktivni ~elici
138 - Sitnozrnasti konstrukcioni ~elici
140 - Posebni ~elici - mikrolegirani konstrukcioni ~elici
141 - ^elici za automate
142 - Posebni ~elici - prokron
143 - ^elici za raznu upotrebu
144 - ^elici za pobolj{anje
145 - ^elici za cementaciju
146 - Nelegirani ugljeni~ni alatni ~elici
147 - Legirani alatni ~elici za rad u hladnom stanju
148 - Legirani alatni ~elici za rad u vru}em stanju
149 - Uporedne oznake ~elika raznih proizvo|a~a
155 - Fe-C dijagram
156 - Tvrdi metali
157 - Ostali tehni~ki materijali
158 - Legure aluminijuma za gnje~enje
159 - Legure aluminijuma za livenje
161 - Legure bakra sa cinkom - MESING
162 - Legure bakra sa cinkom i olovom
162 - Legure bakra sa kalajem - KALAJNA BRONZA
163 - Legure bakra sa cinkom i kalajem - CRVENI METAL
163 - Legure bakra sa aluminijumom - ALUMINIJUMSKA BRONZA
163 - Legure bakra sa niklom i cinkom - NOVO SREBRO
164 - Legure bakra za livenje
165 - Nemetali - DRVO
166 - Ve{ta~ki materijali - TERMOPLASTI
172 - Tablice za izra~unavanje zapremine oble gra|e
173 Deo G - RAZNO
174 - Razvijanje limova - KOSI CILINDAR
175 - Razvijanje limova - CEVNO KOLENO
176 - Razvijanje limova - CEVNO KOLENO IZ VI[E SEGMENATA
177 - Razvijanje limova - PRELAZNI OBLICI
178 - Razvijanje limova - ZARUBLJENI KONUS
179 - Razvijanje limova - ZARUBLJENA KOSA KUPA
180 - Razvijanje limova - CEVNO KOLENO PRAVOUG. OBLIKA
181 - Razvijanje limova - SEGMENT PU@A
182 - Savijanje limova - ugao ispravljanja pri savijanju limova
183 - Savijanje limova - izra~unavanje razvijene du`ine
185 - Tehnolo{ke baze
190 - Rupe ura|ene probija~em za metri~ki navoj u limovima
debljine 0,8 - 4mm
191 - ^eli~ne prirubnice
194 - Elektroma{instvo - trajne struje bakarnih provodnika
195 - Goriva - ~vrsta, te~na, gasovita
196 - Literatura

srijeda, 7. rujna 2022.

Inflatable seal Membramatic - Hutchinson Precision Sealing Systems

 Inflatable seal Membramatic

Hutchinson Precision Sealing Systems

Materials  Tools  Components > Standard Mechanical Component > Elastomer seal > Hutchinson Precision Sealing Systems

Material   -elastomer, silicone rubber, CR, nitrile rubber, butyl rubber, FKM
Application   -military, for aeronautical applications, for railway applications, for marine applications
Fluid   -water, air, for gas
Other characteristics   -dynamic, inflatable
Temperature limit   -Max.: 250 °C (482 °F)   -Min.: -50 °C (-58 °F)

Elastomeric inflatable seals are a simple solution for sealing installations with moving parts, possibly with large and variable clearances.
They absorb constructional irregularities and deformations of the various surfaces of the assembly to be sealed.
They are also a solution to clamping problems and can be used as a clamping, pressing, gripping or handling device. Based on simple, safe, and effective technology, they offer many advantages over conventional seals and provide solutions to previously unsolved sealing problems at temperatures ranging from -40 to +170°C and pressures of several bar.

Thanks to their performance, inflatable seals are used in many industries: nuclear, aeronautics, rail, public works, marine, armament, et