četvrtak, 26. ožujka 2020.

NORD Geared Motors - Reduktori - Generate drawings online

NORD Reduktori i Elektromotori
Generate drawings online
-CAD model download
-3D model download (dxf, igs, obj, sat, stp)
-Dimension Sheet (dxf, pdf)

Elimp d.o.o. - NDT kontrola zavara

Elimp d.o.o.
T: +385.1.6154.929
T: +385.1.6154.930
F: +385.1.6153.288
M: elimp@elimp.hr

MR Chemie, GE Agfa, Innov-X i GE Everest VIT vodeća su poduzeća u području nedestruktivnih metoda testiranja, te njihovo dugogodišnje iskustvo garantira kvalitetu i konzistentnost rezultata.

MR Chemie specijaliziran je za penetrantsku metodu NDT-a. Iz njihove ponude izdvajamo čistače, penetrante i razvijače, te UV lampe i magnetske suspenzije. Op1irnije o njihovom asortimanu saznajte u izborniku na vrhu stranice.

GE Agfa je vodeći svjetski proizvođač opreme i potrošnog materijala za radiografske metode ispitivanja. Filmovi koje proizvodi GE Agfa široko su prisutni u svim granama industrije diljem svijeta.

PONDT d.o.o. - radiografsko ultrazvučno ispitivanje zavara


Ljudevita Posavskog 8, 10360 Sesvete
tel. 012009098
mob. 098213089

O TVRTKI:   Kontrola zavarivanja | Atest zavarivača | Certifikacija | Nadzor i kontrola zavarenih spojeva | Osposobljavanje zavarača | DODATNA LOKACIJA: Četvrti Barutanski ogranak 5 10 000 Zagreb TEL: 01/236 34 007 i 01/2363408

petak, 20. ožujka 2020.

SKF-Radial shaft seals for general industrial applications_CAD model download

SKF-Radial shaft seals for general industrial applications_CAD model download
Radial shaft seals sit between rotating and stationary components, or two components in relative motion. They have two main parts. One is a cylindrical outer covering with an interference fit that seals statically against the housing bore. The second, a sealing lip, seals dynamically and statically against the shaft. Its sealing edge presses against the counterface surface of the shaft with a defined radial load.

SKF-Deep groove ball bearing 6011_CAD model download

SKF-Deep groove ball bearing 6011_CAD model download

The SKF bearing catalogue lists a large range of designs, variants and sizes of deep groove ball bearings. Beyond our catalogue offering, the SKF Explorer deep groove ball bearings are customizable to offer advantages for applications with specific performance needs.

četvrtak, 19. ožujka 2020.


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